Map Chunker

A file by XertroV(Trusted developer)

Downloads 46
Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

This program allows you to chunk a large map into smaller maps (36x36 by default). It might be useful when decorating a large map; you could chunk it, decorate the smaller parts, and save the deco as a macroblock to apply on the larger actual map.

The program will produce new map files called "NAME Chunk X Z.Map.Gbx" in the same directory as the map file.

Note: Each output map will include 6 blocks of empty padding around the map. This is necessary because, without this, blocks can be in invalid positions (where they poke outside the map).


Easy way: drop a .map.gbx file on top of the .exe file.

Advanced way: run this program from a CLI (like powershell or cmd).

CLI Arguments:

  • path to map file
  • width and height of chunk size
  • coordinates for creating a specific chunk


  • .\map-chunker.exe c:\users\xertrov\Documents\Trackmania\Maps\test-chunker-1.Map.gbx
    • chunks a map into 36x36 maps, processes entire map
  • .\map-chunker.exe c:\users\xertrov\Documents\Trackmania\Maps\test-chunker-1.Map.gbx 64 32
    • chunks a map into 64x32 maps, processes entire map
  • .\map-chunker.exe c:\users\xertrov\Documents\Trackmania\Maps\test-chunker-1.Map.gbx 64 32 11 17
    • creates one chunk from a map of size 64x32 maps, starting at x=11 and z=17 (ending at x=74, z=48 inclusive)

Map in screenshot credit: Ski Freak
