Royal Match Monitor

A plugin by jeFFeSS

All versions


5 months ago

Download 1.4.3

Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0

  • Fixed MLHook script error caused by game update on 2024-10-01
  • Switched from deprecated NadeoClubServices token to NadeoLiveServices token


1 year ago

Download 1.4.0

Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0

Changed some constants to work with the updated Royal gamemode ("TM_RoyalStars_Online")


2 years ago

Download 1.3.0

NEW: This plugin now automatically notifies the Royal Family Discord bot when you drive a WR on a map from the Royal Training Maps club. This means that your records on Royal Training Maps should usually show up in under a minute after you drive them (depending on Nadeo API delays).

This feature requires the MLHook plugin, which you can install using OpenPlanet's plugin manager.

An important note about privacy: I respect your privacy and have tried to update this plugin to only send the minimum needed to make this work. Due to the large number of Royal Training Maps, this plugin cannot easily check if the map you are driving is part of the Royal Training club. As a consequence, the map UID and time of every WR you drive will be sent to my server, whether or not it's part of the club. My server will immediately discard any data that is not for a Royal Training Map, and at no point do I know your username or retain your IP address. My server then tells Schwabba's bot that there is a new WR on the map, so that it can post in Discord.

Of course it is up to you if this is OK, or if you'd rather disable the feature. There is a simple checkbox in the plugin settings (OpenPlanet menu > Settings > Royal Match Monitor) which you can use to turn world record reporting on or off as you desire. Please reach out on Discord if you have any questions!


2 years ago

Download 1.2.1

Include current plugin version to help debug problems with submissions


2 years ago

Download 1.2.0
  • Fixed a bug causing plugin to never send match ID or map list (fixes broken Super Royal winner notification map list too)
  • Plugin no longer sends list of bot names, because they haven't changed at all since bots got added.

You might notice the notification that used to show up right when you joined a match is now up to 10 seconds later now, this is to help make sure the map list info is available before sending.

Cheers and thanks for using this plugin!


3 years ago

Download 1.1.0

Short version: There are settings now, and I have done some internal code organization to help with future updates to the plugin.

Longer version:

  • Sends match live ID when submitting data, which helps me greatly when analyzing submitted data
  • Adds a setting to enable/disable sending match live ID
  • Adds a setting to control which data is sent (maps, bots, both, or none)
  • Adds a setting to show/hide the alert when data was submitted
  • Sends map list much earlier when it is available
  • Internal changes so in future I can have it send Super Royal results automatically


3 years ago

Download 1.0.0