STM Ghost Inject

A plugin by Mebe12

All versions


1 year ago

Download 1.4.0

Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.37

Huge MP4 Update!

When you download a file or ghost, it gets saved in your cache folder. The name is unintelligible and requires parsing to know what file it is. Luckily the game saves a file that does exactly that. With this update, we know what every file in your cache is. From this, you can now have all your discovered ghosts shown when launching the game. In addition to this, you can reliably swap ghosts and be able to swap back after many game closures. All updates include the following:

  • Cache decoded and ghost files added to the list at launch
  • Added titlepack and column id to the table
  • Table can now be sorted via its attributes
  • Added colour to the buttons to make them easily distinguishable

Small side note: clearing the files in C:\Users\[name]\Openplanet4\STMGhostInject\OriginalReplays is recommended as leaving can cause false flags for overwritten replays.


2 years ago

Download 1.3.0

Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.37

Updated to how the plugin works in turbo:

  • Turbo now follows the exact same method for overwriting and unhooking ghosts as MP4. Whenever you download a ghost in turbo now, it will be saved and stored within the Discovered Ghosts UI where you can select any ghost in the list and overwrite that selected ghost. However, unlike MP4, you now have two extra replay options; STM and RTM.
  • Fixed bug with script exception when the cache is empty.


2 years ago

Download 1.2.0

Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.37

  • Added support for MP4
  • Fixed bug in turbo with maps not reloading on every 10th track
  • Fixed the plugin not working when you haven't finished the track


2 years ago

Download 1.1.0
  • Added RTM ghosts to be selectable
  • Added the ability to add custom ghosts for each map
  • Reduced modified time on cache scan from 5 to 1 second
  • Fixed bug with constant map refreshing in super solo

You must use a [Map Name].ghost.gbx file for the custom ghosts, not .replay.gbx file. Put that file within the designated folder which can be set in settings. Also in settings is instructions again on how to obtain and import custom ghost. It is important to note for some reason checkpoint data is not saved in saved turbo replays that I have extracted therefore there will be no splits/incorrect, although the ghost will appear fine.


2 years ago

Download 1.0.0