Trusted developer

School mode for developers

School mode gets activated automatically when developer mode is enabled, and will stop you from setting leaderboard times and playing online on most maps. There's a number of whitelisted maps you can still get leaderboard times on as well as play online, which are described below.

Developers may also apply for "trusted developer" status in order to bypass these restrictions on all maps. We describe the process of becoming a trusted developer (if you need to be one) below.

Can I still play with my own plugins?

Absolutely! If you are using your own plugins as folders (as in, plugins that are not packaged as a .op file), you might be wondering how you can still use your own plugins outside of developer mode. The answer is simple; use any of the whitelisted maps during development, and/or install the signed .op file from the plugin manager alongside your source folder.

The plugin ID is decided by its file or folder name. For example, Plugins/Example.op and Plugins/Example/ both have the ID Example. If you have both a packaged and source version installed that share the same ID, your current signature mode will decide which version to use:

  • On developer mode: Prefers source (folder) plugins over packaged (.op) plugins.
  • Otherwise: Prefers packaged (.op) plugins over source (folder) plugins.

Whitelisted maps

You can play outside of school mode restrictions on a specific set of whitelisted maps. Currently, the following maps & campaigns are whitelisted:

  • All maps in the Openplanet School Campaign, found in the Openplanet club. We also provide a Nadeo-hosted server with these maps in the Openplanet club.

These maps are also playable in multiplayer (both on dedicated and Nadeo servers). As soon as the map changes to a non-whitelisted map, you will be disconnected from the server.

If you would like a specific map to be whitelisted, please contact us.

What is a trusted developer?

"Trusted" developers can bypass the restrictions of school mode. Being a trusted developer can be useful in some specific cases where you can't use the whitelisted maps, for example if you are writing a plugin for matchmaking or cup of the day, or you have to work with leaderboards from arbitrary maps.

How do I become a trusted developer?

Before applying, please consider whether you really need to have this status. You can apply:

  • If you can't use the whitelisted maps.
  • If you have another valid reason. Note that we handle applications on a case-by-case basis; if you're not sure, just apply!

If we encounter any other valid reasons to become a trusted developer, these will be added to the list above.

To apply, please use the form at the bottom of this page.

Who is currently a trusted developer?

For the sake of transparency, we publish an up-to-date list of trusted developers. Note that trusted developers that are marked without a connected game account will only display as trusted on the website, and can't bypass school mode.

Trusted developer application form

To use this form, you must be logged in. Click here to log in.