1.25.40 for Maniaplanet 4

default 1 year ago

  • Added UI scale option to settings (requires a game restart, and may still have issues in certain plugins)
  • Added UI::GetScale
  • Added the ability to Shift+Click on menu items to not close the menu
  • Added support for MwStridedArray
  • Added support for castor callbacks, this allows casting structures such as CGameDirectLinkScript
  • Added UI::SetMouseCursor
  • Added UI::ButtonColored
  • Added UI::Indent and UI::Unindent
  • Added Json::Value factory functions for all types, and any class that implements Json::Value@ ToJson() const
  • Added Text::FormatOpenplanetColor and Text::FormatGameColor
  • Added int2, int3, nat2, nat3 to Dev API's
  • Added "Explore nod" menu item in Fid Explorer
  • Added logs when disabling & enabling plugins and loading disabled plugins
  • Added logs for more uninitialization routines
  • Added option to the log window to disable automatic scrolling
  • Added more detailed view of nod pools in Nod Explorer
  • Improved performance of Openplanet hashtables
  • Improved performance of class and member lookups
  • Improved error reporting for plugins without (valid) signatures
  • Fixed assertion when empty window title is provided to UI::Begin (it will now throw a script exception instead)
  • Fixed assertion when passing invalid float value to aspect in Mat4::Perspective
  • Fixed showing overlay toggle keys in the settings that don't generally work on a keyboard
  • Fixed conflicting module names for plugins (they now correctly throw errors)
  • Fixed broken UI in Nod Explorer's proc call when vec2 and vec3 parameters are present
  • Fixed ambiguous IDs with arrays in Nod Explorer
  • Fixed crash when clicking on string parameters in Nod Explorer's proc call window
  • Fixed "Update Tree" menu item in Fid Explorer causing a crash