Auto Enable PB Ghost

A plugin by ar(Trusted developer)

Auto Enable PB Ghost
Downloads 69
Updated 15 days ago
Released 19 days ago
Created 1 month ago
Numeric ID 648
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania

In one of the recent updates Nadeo broke PBs automatically loading when you start playing a map; this plugin aims to fix this issue. When you install this plugin it indexes the Autosaves/ folder in C:/[...]/Trackmania(2020)/Replays/ (this indexing can also be re-performed manually in the settings), so to make this plugin work you cannot make any changes to the Autosaves/ folder, if, for some reason, a personal best ghost is stored outside of this folder, it will not load (e.g if you've moved your replays to an archive or something similar).

As this plugin aims to 'fix' (more mimmic) the old pb ghost loading it does not load ghosts in the KO rounds (as this was not something that was done previously, but it does load in the time attack part of COTD, thanks to @TNTree for the info)


0.2.1 - 15 days ago

Unfucked the if statement so that it now actually works yayy

0.2.0 - 19 days ago

I begrudgingly added the ability to load from the leaderboard if the local file isn't found, I'll probably add some indexing in the future that checks the entire Trackmania[2020] dir to look for more 'autosaves' folders, but eh.... we will see...

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