TMX Map History

A plugin by SCDevel

TMX Map History
Downloads 119
Updated 1 month ago
Released 2 months ago
Created 2 months ago
Numeric ID 595
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania

WARNING: This plugin only supports TMX maps and requires the ManiaExchange plugin.

This plugin adds a new "TMX Map History" window to your game.

What does this window do:

  • It lists all the TMX maps that you have played in order with time and date stamps.
  • It has a button with each map to open up the map in the TMX menu.

What does this not do:

  • This does not support any non-TMX maps (ex. any maps that were only uploaded to Nadeo Services).


2.2.0 - 1 month ago

  • fixed sorting and added ability to change sorting direction.
  • fixed ManiaExhange causing error while not in map.
  • fixed day seperator lines.
  • added Dev mode (adds more options, gets auto disabled if not in Developer Sig. not enabled)
  • added 'SECONDS' tooltip for last played.

Full Changelog:

2.1.0 - 1 month ago

  • added ability to delete maps from history
  • added a save limiter
  • added line between some rows of maps indicating a different day
  • added auto backup on save
  • cleaned up the code

Full Changelog:

2.0.0 - 2 months ago

Do to a unintentional naming conflict, I renamed this project to "TMX Map History"

and going forward this project will only support TMX.

other fixes since last release:

  • typo fixed
  • window closed when "F3" is hidden

Full Changelog:

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