- Don't break when servers have unrecognized settings
- Support non-nadeo server settings for Proximity Voice Chat
- Fix adding TMX maps from map pack
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.23
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.23
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.23
Fix server names with formatting in quick menu.
Add a way to add maps directly by UID in room UI.
Add loading status messages when the room UI is disabled due to loading or operation.
Add Score Board Manager export: lets you create news-based leaderboards for use with Server-Game Scoreboard.
BRM::INewsScoreBoardManager@ BRM::CreateNewsScoreBoardManager(int clubId, const string &in serverName = "", bool autoCreateNews = false)
Add functionality to pre-cache maps so they're quicker to load in servers.
void BRM::PreCacheMap(const string &in url)
void BRM::PreCacheAsset(const string &in url)
void BRM::PreCacheMapByUid_Async(const string &in uid, const string &in name = "<Unk Name>")
BRM::GameMode GetMode()
int GetTimeLimit()
string[]@ GetMapUids()
BRM::IRoomSettingsBuilder@ DisableWarmups()
For full documentation of INewsScoreBoardManager
(i.e., with explanatory comments) see BRM_Exports/Shared.as
int NewsActivityId
string ServerName
string NewsName
BRM::INewsScoreBoardSection@ GetOrCreateSection(const string &in sectionName)
BRM::INewsScoreBoardSection@ GetSection(const string &in sectionName)
void DeleteAllSections()
void ClearAllEntries()
void EnsureNewsActivityCreatedAsync()
void UpdateNewsAsync()
void UpdateNewsInBg()
string SectionName
array<BRM::INewsScoreBoardEntry@> Entries
void AddEntry(int rank, const string &in name, int wrs = -1, int ats = -1, int golds = -1, int mapsPlayed = -1)
void ClearEntries()
string ToNewsString()
int Rank
string Name
int WRs
int ATs
int Golds
int MapsPlayed
string ToNewsString()
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.23
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.23
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.23
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.23
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.14
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Content Creators can: create, edit, and deactivate rooms (features not available in the standard game UI). However, Content Creators cannot see deactivated rooms. For this reason, a safety switch is enabled to prevent them accidentally deactivating a room.