- Don't break when servers have unrecognized settings
- Support non-nadeo server settings for Proximity Voice Chat
- Fix adding TMX maps from map pack
Downloads | 17,249 |
Updated | 5 days ago |
Released | 2 years ago |
Created | 2 years ago |
Numeric ID | 312 |
Min. Openplanet | 1.26.23 |
Better Room Manager is an alternate management UI for Club rooms that works for Creators, Admins, and Content Creators¹.
It currently supports:
Launch it from the Plugins menu ("Better Room Manager")
[1]: Content Creators can only see active rooms. They can edit any active room and can create new rooms. They can also deactivate rooms, but this is behind a safety switch to avoid them locking themselves out of a room.
License: Public Domain
Authors: XertroV
Suggestions/feedback: @XertroV on Openplanet discord
Code/issues: https://github.com/XertroV/tm-better-room-manager
void SetNextRoom() {
status = "Loading Map " + loadNextId + " / " + loadNextUid;
auto builder = BRM::CreateRoomBuilder(clubId, roomId)
auto resp = builder.SaveRoom();
status += "\nSaved Room maps + time limit... Waiting 5s";
log_trace('Room request returned: ' + Json::Write(resp));
int limit = -1;
status = "Adjusting room time limit to " + limit;
status = "Room finalized, awaiting map change...";
status = "Done";
currState = GameState::Running;
S_LastTmxID = loadNextId;
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ CreateRoomBuilder(uint clubId, uint roomId)
Create an IRoomSettingsBuilder object for a given club and room
GameMode GameModeFromStr(const string &in modeStr)
Returns a BRM::GameMode
based on the script path, e.g., "TrackMania/TM_Cup_Online.Script.txt"
const string GameModeToFullModeString(GameMode m)
Returns a scirpt path, e.g., "TrackMania/TM_Cup_Online.Script.txt", for a given BRM::GameMode
ServerInfo@ GetCurrentServerInfo(CGameCtnApp@ app, bool waitForClubId = true)
Returns some basic info for the current server, including Club and Room IDs. Yields if waitForClubId=true otherwise might return null if club/room ID detection is still loading.
string GetModeSettingType(const string &in settingName)
Get the setting type (integer, bool, text) for a given setting, e.g., S_TimeLimit
const Json::Value@ GetMyClubs()
Returns a JSON Array of JSON Objects. The format is equivalent to under .clubList in the payload returned by https://webservices.openplanet.dev/live/clubs/clubs-mine There are some additional fields, like nameSafe, tagSafe, and isAdmin (dump the json object for everything)
Json::Value@ GetRoomInfoFromAPI(uint clubId, uint roomId)
Get a room info from the API. https://webservices.openplanet.dev/live/clubs/room-by-id
bool IsInAServer(CGameCtnApp@ app)
Returns true if the client is connected to a server
void JoinServer(uint clubId, uint roomId, const string &in password = "")
Join a server by getting the joinlink for a given club and room
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ AddMaps(const array<string> &in maps)
Add a map to the rooms map list
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ LoadCurrentSettingsAsync()
Populate based on current room settings. This function may yield.
Json::Value@ GetCurrentSettingsJson()
Get the current raw settings json object (which is mutable). Call LoadCurrentSettingsAsync first to load current settings.
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ GoToNextMapAndThenSetTimeLimit(const string &in mapUid, int limit = -1, int ct = 1)
This will yield! An easy 'go to next map' command for club rooms in TimeAttack mode. Duration is 5s + 2 http requests to nadeo.
string GetModeSetting(const string &in key)
Gets a game mode setting's current value. Throws if it does not exist.
bool HasModeSetting(const string &in key)
Whether a game mode setting exists (note: you probably want to call LoadCurrentSettingsAsync first)
Json::Value@ SaveRoom()
saves the room and returns the result; will yield internally
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SaveRoomInCoro()
Save the room; returns immediately
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetChatTime(int ct)
Set the chat time (seconds)
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetLoadingScreenUrl(const string &in url)
Set the loading screen image URL
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetMaps(const array<string> &in maps)
Set the rooms map list
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetMode(GameMode mode, bool withDefaultSettings = false)
Set the room game mode
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetModeSetting(const string &in key, const string &in value)
Set a game mode setting (e.g., S_TimeLimit)
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetName(const string &in name)
Set the room name
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetPlayerLimit(uint limit)
Set the room player limit (1 - 100)
IRoomSettingsBuilder@ SetTimeLimit(int limit)
Set the time limit (seconds)
int clubId
string login
string name
int roomId
Fix server names with formatting in quick menu.
Add a way to add maps directly by UID in room UI.
Add loading status messages when the room UI is disabled due to loading or operation.
Add Score Board Manager export: lets you create news-based leaderboards for use with Server-Game Scoreboard.
BRM::INewsScoreBoardManager@ BRM::CreateNewsScoreBoardManager(int clubId, const string &in serverName = "", bool autoCreateNews = false)
Add functionality to pre-cache maps so they're quicker to load in servers.
void BRM::PreCacheMap(const string &in url)
void BRM::PreCacheAsset(const string &in url)
void BRM::PreCacheMapByUid_Async(const string &in uid, const string &in name = "<Unk Name>")
BRM::GameMode GetMode()
int GetTimeLimit()
string[]@ GetMapUids()
BRM::IRoomSettingsBuilder@ DisableWarmups()
For full documentation of INewsScoreBoardManager
(i.e., with explanatory comments) see BRM_Exports/Shared.as
int NewsActivityId
string ServerName
string NewsName
BRM::INewsScoreBoardSection@ GetOrCreateSection(const string &in sectionName)
BRM::INewsScoreBoardSection@ GetSection(const string &in sectionName)
void DeleteAllSections()
void ClearAllEntries()
void EnsureNewsActivityCreatedAsync()
void UpdateNewsAsync()
void UpdateNewsInBg()
string SectionName
array<BRM::INewsScoreBoardEntry@> Entries
void AddEntry(int rank, const string &in name, int wrs = -1, int ats = -1, int golds = -1, int mapsPlayed = -1)
void ClearEntries()
string ToNewsString()
int Rank
string Name
int WRs
int ATs
int Golds
int MapsPlayed
string ToNewsString()