Better Texture Mod

A plugin by racacax

Better Texture Mod
Downloads 17,341
Updated 11 months ago
Released 1 year ago
Created 1 year ago
Numeric ID 465
Min. Openplanet 1.26.1
Game Trackmania

This plugins allows you to change textures of multiple surfaces (e.g ice & road) to dinstinguish them better. You can change the textures in Plugins => Better Texture Mod => Textures.

Don't hesitate to suggest new textures to be added (@racacax on Discord or issue in the Github).

Thanks to XertroV, ar...., Ezio, tooInfinite, Miss, bmx22c and msmorgan for their help.

Source code :

Texture files can be found here :

Two methods

To apply textures, you have two methods :

  • ModWork : Default method used. However, you will not be able to use custom textures alongside maps with mods. Either custom map mod will be enabled, or custom textures. However, you can easily apply textures on the go

  • Modless : You can use this preset to apply custom textures on any map, no matter what. If you go on a map with a custom mod, every texture that the mod doesn't override can be replaced by a custom plugin texture.

    Example :

    • Map has a mod that changes road textures => Better Texture Mod custom road textures will not be applied
    • Map has a mod that changes some textures, but not the road => Better Texture Mod custom road textures will be applied

One downside of this method is the need to leave the map to be able to change textures

Conflicts with other plugins (ModWork method)

  • When the plugin disables itself (on your prompt !), when a map has a custom mod, the ModWork folder will be moved and plugins such as Custom Skidmarks will also be disabled. Files are not deleted, they are only moved in a folder named ModWorkDisabled. All those plugins will be back to normal when the plugin enables itself again. If you want to use custom skidmarks and have custom mods, I recommend using the Modless Skids plugin.
  • If a plugin automatically recreates the ModWork folder, the disable option might not work because the non-existence of the ModWork folder is required to enable custom mods. However, it'll not alter the plugin when it is enabled.

Known issues (ModWork method)

  • If the plugin doesn't disable itself when there is a custom mod, even though you enabled this option, check if the Trackmania documents folder isn't synced with Google Drive/One Drive, ... (try deleting the Skins/Stadium/ModWork folder. If it asks for permissions, then it is probably this issue).
  • Sometimes, the enable/disable option doesn't work on first load of the map. You can enable the "Double reload" option in the settings to 100% fix that. However, be aware that if you try to join a public server where getting in quick is a required factor (e.g. Spammiej of the Day), you might not want to enable this option because it will disconnect and reconnect you to the server if the previous map you played had a mod and by the time it reconnects you, it might be too late.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can maps with custom mods work with this plugin ?

Yes. The plugin can be disabled easily when a map has a custom mod

  • Will this alter my custom skid marks ?

When custom textures are active, your custom skid marks will not be altered. If custom textures are disabled, custom skidmarks will also be disabled unless you use the Modless skids plugin which allows you to have custom skidmarks, no matter what. If you use the Modless method for Better Texture Mod, there will not be any conflict, no matter what.

  • Can I add my own custom textures ?

Currently, it is not possible to add your own textures inside the plugin. However, you can put them inside the Documents/Trackmania/Skins/Stadium/ModWork folder (if you use the ModWork method). They will work alongside custom textures of the plugin without any issue.

  • Will you add more textures ?

I currently add textures depending on the need of players and of my time. If you want a special texture to be added, don't hesitate to contact me. And if you already have the texture files, you can send them to me, I will surely add them.

  • Why are you providing a cheating plugin ?

Custom textures (same as custom skidmarks), can technically be added without OpenPlanet or any specific software. You just need to put image files in a folder named ModWork. This is a feature intended by Nadeo, existing since TMNF (if not before). This works the same way as a texture pack in Minecraft (texture packs in Minecraft existed way before the option was added directly inside the game). The only concern is console players cannot have access to this option, unless Nadeo adds it in-game or allows console players to access dedicated servers (because, yes, there is an official method to force a custom mod on dedicated servers)


2.0.0 - 11 months ago

  • You can now enable Modless support in the settings which allows you to use custom plugin textures alongside custom map mods !
  • Disabling ModWork will not be done directly anymore to avoid black looking textures (Enabling Double loading is now mandatory to have this feature).
  • A short warning will be displayed if you need to reload map to enable/disable textures.

1.1.1 - 1 year ago

  • Use caching for thumbnails (thanks to msmorgan for the PR)
  • Fix mod prompt displaying even when exiting map

1.1.0 - 1 year ago

  • Textures are now cached. You don't need to download them everytime you change presets. Thanks to msmorgan for the PR.
  • Advanced settings now have a prompt to confirm you want to delete something
  • Reload prompt only appears when ALL textures have been applied
  • Fix bug where plugin settings window is very small

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