Camera Enhanced for Turbo

A plugin by Mebe12

Camera Enhanced for Turbo
Downloads 501
Released 2 years ago
Created 2 years ago
Numeric ID 397
Game Trackmania Turbo

Throughout Trackmania Turbo's life, without openplanet the camera selection has been bland; only Camera 2 and 3. With the introduction on openplanet to turbo, players were given access to Camera 1. Although useful, the keybind for enabling is hardcoded and cannot be changed. Thats where this plugin comes in. With Camera Enhanced, by default you will automatically be given the top row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as their respective cameras. These binds can be customised within the plugin settings. Big thanks to MDF for helping out adding the cool feature of the Cam 7 roll.

Plugin Features

  • Access to moveable Camera 7
  • Access to Helico Camera
  • Customisable interchangable Camera's (Cam 1 to Cam 3 vice versa by default)
  • Ability to rebind every camera key

If there are any issues or bugs with the plugin, feel free to message me on discord @mebe12. (I think thats how to use new discord name format xdd)