COTD HUD and Explorer (Public Beta)

A plugin by XertroV(Trusted developer)

COTD HUD and Explorer (Public Beta)
Downloads 3,035
Updated 10 months ago
Released 2 years ago
Created 3 years ago
Numeric ID 209
Min. Openplanet 1.26.14
Game Trackmania


Shows division cutoffs + favorited players' times + histogram during qualifier, and allows browsing of past COTD qualifier and division results, along with some utilities. You can also 'favorite' other players to see their current qualifying time, live, during the qualifying round.

This is a beta release. Things might break. (You can reload the plugin from the developer menu if need be.)

This plugin will use a lot of disk space, relatively speaking. Especially over time. Much of this (260 MB) is all of the TOTD thumbnails, which are downloading automatically in the background over a few hours.

Feature Todo

  • ✅ Feature parity w/ COTD Stats
  • ✅ Histogram for live COTD
  • ✅ BetterChat integration for COTD stats (/{tell-}cotd)
  • 🟦 First-install wizard (configure basic settings and optional stuff)
  • 🟦 COTD Historical Explorer
    • ✅ Sync system/workflow for downloading data from APIs
    • ✅ Sync TOTD historical index data | date -> mapUid
    • ✅ Sync COTD challenge (qualifiers) data | challengeIds, startDate timestamp
    • ✅ Refactor sync stuff to use different DBs (will consume fewer resources and do faster writing to disk)
    • ✅ Sync COTD qualifier raw data for times for histogram (ad-hoc)
    • ✅ Sync Map data (ad-hoc)
    • ✅ UI selection layout / styles
    • ✅ Draw Histogram (qualis)
    • ✅ Division browser
    • ✅ Search user in a COTD quali list
    • ✅ Other quali list filters
    • 🟦 Search user all COTDs
    • ✅ (optional, default:off) sync all cotd quali times in bg
    • ✅ "Play this map" button
    • 🟦 TMX link button
    • ✅ TM.IO link button
    • 🟦 List all TOTD maps
    • 🟦 In list: easy favorite-ing + easy click to play
    • 🟦 show your own times / records (not totd but global) -- useful for playing all TOTDs
    • ✅ match results (KO rounds)
    • 🟦 animated histogram replays
    • ✅ replay/snapshot download settings
  • 🟦 COTD Friends
    • ✅ Show who's playing this COTD and their times
    • 🟦 BChat integration (/track-cotd @XertroV) (or /add-cotd-friend)
    • ✅ Highlight the player in historical/explorer UI
    • 🟦 (live) Browse or view players in COTD + one-click add-as-friend
  • ✅ Cache Player ID data (like name)
  • ✅ Optimization: check current COTD data and don't re-request times unnecessarily -- should be cached once the COTD qualis are over.
  • ✅ Optimization -- like above but for division cutoffs
  • ✅ Migrate color gradient tool to standalone window via COTD explorer
  • ✅ BetterChat integration for gradients /rgb 28f f28 hey here's my msg would apply a gradient from $28f to $f28 over hey here's my msg.
  • 🟦 color alias names for above /rgb command. (some done)
  • ✅ Debug page: nod viewer quick access (but does't work for values??)
  • 🟦 About Page
  • 🟦 fix: LAB color gradients to take shortest path to avoid going the 'long way round'
  • ✅ bug: clear divisions on new cotd
  • ✅ bug fix: restart on new COTD (halts and doesn't update)
  • 🟦 export binary data to json files (to make it easy for ppl to use it if they want to).
  • ✅ match results
    • ✅ sync comps, rounds, matches
    • ✅ check if results were incomplete
    • ✅ store results in individual files (~60 match results loads in ~20ms)
  • ✅ bug: long cotds break (b/c nplayers==0 for so long?)
  • ✅ bug: when loading cotd hud data and times are queued to be cached: the hud does not reload after they have been cached.
  • ✅ quali rank vs div rank delta (a value of +-64 for each player showing improvement or not in ranking)
  • 🟦 Browse players / favorites


0.2.18 - 10 months ago

fix for openplanet 1.26.14

0.2.17 - 1 year ago

  • Use new endpoint to get all division cutoffs at once instead of making 1 request per division

0.2.16 - 1 year ago

  • Fix COTD HUD not loading

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