The plugin "CSmScriptPlayer Viewer" is responsible for displaying values in the CSmScriptPlayer object, particularly the AimYaw, AimPitch, and AimRoll properties.
When the "CSmScriptPlayer Viewer" plugin is activated, it renders a circular dial on the screen, which intuitively represents the AimYaw, AimPitch, and AimRoll values. This visual representation is designed to be easily interpreted, allowing for a better understanding of the players position.
As the plugin is under active development, future updates are planned to include additional player statistics.
Keep in mind that this plugin cannot be used when outside a map, it will therefore not display when viewing a replay.
(Any suggestions? @me 'ar___')
1.2.0 - 2 years ago
Done some groundwork for showing and displaying most of the information in CSmScriptPlayer; by no means fully fleshed out, but more will be added in the next update, probably.
Added a loop that allows the plugin to work in multiplayer. Previously the fetched user would always be 0, it is now whatever player does not have 0,0,0 yaw pitch roll, which should always be the player character.
Also added a snapshot mode for respawns to make them more natural, will probably flesh this out more in the next update, if I remember...
Also overhauled the settings menu; added different tabs for clarification.
Added option for enabling the 'tick' marks; ticks are now disabled by default.
Add some trigram//dossard change functionality, since you can apparently change it here...
Add movable 'tick' marks.
I dunu... Any suggestions? @me :)
1.1 - 2 years ago
Changed from the 'dot' display method to red lines.
Legacy is still supported with the "Enable old settings" button.
Added a background so that the "Roll", "Pitch", and "Yaw" text is more visible.
- Show other players "Roll", "Pitch", and "Yaw".
- Overhaul the settings menu to make it easier to use.
- Add movable 'tick' marks.
- Add an option for removing tick marks.
- I dunu... Any suggestions? @me :)
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