Custom Interfaces Loader

A plugin by Beu(Trusted developer)

Custom Interfaces Loader
Downloads 51
Updated 14 days ago
Released 1 month ago
Created 3 months ago
Numeric ID 671
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania

Custom Interfaces Loader is designed to load custom interfaces by casters for events using Nadeo Competition Tool or Live Servers.

This plugin requires an Interfaces Pack, which you can download below.

How to Add an Interfaces Pack

  1. Download the desired Interfaces Pack as a ZIP archive.
  2. Open the Openplanet User Folder (press F3, go to Openplanet → Open User Folder).
  3. Navigate to PluginStorage/CustomInterfacesLoader.
  4. Extract the Interfaces Pack into this folder, maintaining the original file structure.

To verify successful installation, check that the extracted folder contains a file named info.json.

Public Interfaces Packs

Creating Your Own Interfaces Pack

If you need a custom Interfaces Pack for your event or any specific purpose, feel free to contact me for a commission:

  • Discord: .beu
  • Twitter: @AmazingBeu

Alternatively, you can create your own Interfaces Pack by coding it in Manialink, but you will need to send it to me to valid it.

Interfaces from Interfaces Packs are run in a different context than gamemode interfaces, and have higher permissions. They have access to the API tokens and can fetch all private clubs and records, and many other things. To prevent any abuse, the plugin only load Interfaces Pack with a valid hash in regular signature mode.

So you want to use your Interfaces Pack, you will need to share it to me, and will be verified by myself and the Openplanet dev team. It could be also published on the public list above if you want.

For reference, check out the Anonymized TMWC 2024 pack.


0.3 - 14 days ago

  • Add Beacon Duo League interface pack

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