
A plugin by Miss(Trusted developer)

Downloads 325,815
Updated 1 year ago
Released 3 years ago
Created 3 years ago
Numeric ID 103
Min. Openplanet 1.25.40
Game Trackmania
Game Maniaplanet 4
Game Trackmania Turbo

Display a bunch of Trackmania vehicle information on screen. Nice for streaming overlays!


  • Controller visualization
    • Gamepad
    • Keyboard
  • Gearbox visualization
  • Speedometer
  • Accelerometer
  • Wheel info visualization
  • Works in solo
  • Works online (including spectating)
  • Works for replays (see disclaimer below)
  • Fully customizable with many settings
    • Toggle each widget
    • Positions & size
    • Colors & styles


This plugin has many settings. You can find them in the Openplanet settings window itself under the Dashboard tab.


You can become a Patron to support future plugin development (as well as Openplanet and Trackmania.io development)!


Because of events regarding cheated world record runs, I have to put a disclaimer here: You can not and should not judge inputs shown during replay on whether or not they are cheated! The displayed inputs are interpolated and not exact.


1.9.6 - 1 year ago

  • Fixed scaling issue introduced in 1.9.4

1.9.5 - 1 year ago

  • Added option to change text color in the gearbox based on the current gear
  • Added manual proportion resizing and proportion resetting
  • Added new setting for gamepad text color
  • Show locator window even if only hidden UI is checked
  • Fixed missing proportions on initial load, causing reloads while settings is open to reset to 0, 0
  • Fixed scaling issue with widget locators

1.9.4 - 2 years ago

  • Fixed simple widget visibility settings not working

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