Dink Donk! Round Notifier

A plugin by XertroV(Trusted developer)

Dink Donk! Round Notifier
Downloads 189
Updated 5 months ago
Released 1 year ago
Created 1 year ago
Numeric ID 317
Min. Openplanet 1.26.8
Game Trackmania

Dink Donk -- Round Notifier

Will notify you when a new round is about to start and your game isn't focused (or if chat has focus).

Notifications include a sound alert and a visual indicator. The sound alert will (by default) only play if the game is unfocused. Otherwise only the visual indicator(s) will show up.

(Right now only one sound alert is available, but if anyone has suggestions I can add more options.)

License: Public Domain

Authors: XertroV

Suggestions/feedback: @XertroV on Openplanet discord

Code/issues: https://github.com/XertroV/tm-dink-donk



0.1.2 - 5 months ago

Update for new game version

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