- Fixed plugin not sending pb when beating a clubmember with a secret time
- Fixed plugin making times below author on weekly shorts secret
- Implemented shortcut to toggle sendpb
Downloads | 312 |
Updated | 6 days ago |
Released | 8 months ago |
Created | 8 months ago |
Numeric ID | 579 |
Min. Openplanet | 1.26.0 |
This plugin sends a message to a discord channel using a webhook whenever you beat other players in you pinned club. If you add the trackmania usernames and DiscordUserId of a player it will try to ping that player in the discord server.
NOTE: TRACKMANIA USERNAMES ARE CASE SENSITIVE Set discord webhook and usernames in settings under the discord tab
It also sends along stats from grindstats (code integrated into the plugin, will change to dependency if possible in future update).
This plugin used source code from the plugins grindstats and Discord Notify.
Made by FabianvZ and Lokulicious.