Force Display Mode

A plugin by Ze-Rax

Force Display Mode
Downloads 4,752
Updated 1 year ago
Released 3 years ago
Created 3 years ago
Numeric ID 122
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania
Game Maniaplanet 4

Force Display Mode

Force Display Mode is a simple plugin designed to enforce the specified display mode (fullscreen, windowed, windowed borderless) configured in the Openplanet settings panel.

Why does this exist?

The game may unexpectedly change display mode, potentially causing input lag and performance issues. This can occur, for instance, when tabbing out of the game while a map is loading. Force Display Mode aims to prevent this by regularly checking your display mode and aligning it with your configured preference in the settings.

How does it work?

The plugin simply checks the currently set display mode at specified intervals. If the configured display mode does not match the current one, the plugin will automatically adjust it accordingly.


  • "Enabled": Enables or disables the plugin.
  • "Target Display Mode": Specifies the desired display mode to enforce. Options: FullscreenExclusive (= Fullscreen), Windowed, WindowedFull (= Windowed Borderless). Default: FullscreenExclusive.
  • "Check Interval (ms)": The frequency, in milliseconds, at which the plugin verifies the current display mode. Default: 250ms.
  • "Show Notification on Change": Whether a notification should be displayed when the plugin modifies the display mode. Default: True.
  • "Notification Duration (ms)": Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, for which the notification will be visible. Default: 3000ms.


  • If you have issues or feedback, you can find me on Discord: ze_rax


1.0.6 - 1 year ago

  • Added a menu entry in the Openplat Plugins menu to toggle the plugin

1.0.5 - 2 years ago

  • Added a Setting "Enabled" to enable / disable the plugin.
  • Fixed the plugin not working in TM2020 anymore.
  • Fixed the plugin conflicting with the graphics settings pages in TM2020. In Maniaplanet the plugin still needs to be disabled to be able to change graphics changes.

1.0.4 - 2 years ago

  • Re-signed for RCADIA

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