- Openplanet 1.26.21 compatibility
Downloads | 4,712 |
Updated | 9 months ago |
Released | 2 years ago |
Created | 2 years ago |
Numeric ID | 288 |
Min. Openplanet | 1.26.0 |
When you respawn, ghosts will be sync'd to your no-respawn time.
Say a ghost is .3 ahead of you when you go through a CP. If you respawn at that CP, the ghost will be rewound so that it is still .3 ahead of you.
When you pass through a CP, or respawn, then all ghosts will be re-sync'd to pass through the checkpoint at the same time you do. (Similar to the partial PB ghost that shows up after a respawn.)
Works in solo mode only (similar to ghost scrubber).
Big thanks to Isirix for the request / idea / suggestion.
Demo video: https://youtu.be/FTRo0rxq1co
License: Public Domain
Authors: XertroV
Suggestions/feedback: Plugin thread and/or @XertroV on Openplanet discord
Code/issues: https://github.com/XertroV/tm-ghost-sync
Added setting to offset ghosts by a fixed amount. Example: set to -200 ms for ghosts to start 200ms before you.