
A plugin by fentras LABS

Downloads 322
Updated 2 years ago
Released 2 years ago
Created 2 years ago
Numeric ID 235
Game Trackmania
Game Maniaplanet 4
Game Trackmania Turbo
Note: This plugin is currently unsigned and requires developer mode.

Attach external haptic devices to vehicle parameters (RPM, speed, gear, etc.) and monitor their states.


This plugin is in proof-of-concept state. I am not responsible for any possible damages or unwanted actions this plugin may bring. Be careful of your surroundings and use at your own risk!


  • Download and run Intiface Desktop and Haptics Web Bridge.
  • Turn on your devices (connect manually if needed).
  • You can manually specify the address, port and key in the plugin settings (Openplanet > Settings > Haptics > Server).
  • Update devices in the plugin, change their settings and have fun!

Please refer to the Installation page for complete guide.

Source Code

You can access source code on GitLab.
