Leaderboard AntiSnipe

A plugin by XertroV(Trusted developer)

Leaderboard AntiSnipe
Downloads 1,448
Updated 10 months ago
Released 10 months ago
Created 11 months ago
Numeric ID 390
Game Trackmania
leaderboard antisnipe. lock the top 5 global records. mostly used for copium dependence disorder, but also can be used to prevent stream sniping.

Requires MLHook

Will lock the global top 5 leaderboard when you load a map or when you enable the plugin for that map.

Only your own times will be updated. Disabling LB antisnipe will show you the current up-to-date records. Enabling it after that will lock the updated times in place.

Only works for global leaderboard.

Additionally, the ranks before and after you will not be shown.

License: Public Domain

Authors: XertroV

Suggestions/feedback: @XertroV on Openplanet discord

Code/issues: https://github.com/XertroV/tm-lb-antisnipe



0.2.4 - 10 months ago

  • fix bug when adding rank to LB with <5 people
  • fix bug when adjusting players rank to fit LB
  • some UX refinement

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