Leaderboard Timestamps

A plugin by Ezio(Trusted developer)

Leaderboard Timestamps
Downloads 981
Updated 4 days ago
Released 2 months ago
Created 2 months ago
Numeric ID 570
Min. Openplanet 1.26.24
Game Trackmania

Leaderboard Timestamps

Shows a timestamp on the in-game records panel when you hover over someone's name. Works for all regions, your pinned club, club VIPs, and other VIPs (streamer keys added in Starter access).

Automatically refreshes when:

  • entering a map
  • a new PB is set
  • the records panel is refreshed (i.e. with the Refresh Leaderboards plugin)

There are also settings available to customize how the displayed tooltip appears.

Known issues:

  • If someone is knocked off of the records panel (someone else drove a better time than them) and this plugin is refreshed without the records panel being refreshed, their timestamp will no longer be shown.
  • If your pinned club has many VIPs (like 180+) then a request will probably fail.


1.1.0 - 4 days ago

  • fixed deprecated Nadeo API call
  • fixed number of safety issues
  • disabled running in stunt maps
  • simplified some things

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