
A plugin by Laser

All versions


5 days ago

Download 1.1.0

Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0

  • Powerups are now scrollable (No more wall of text!)
  • Made UI less cluttered
  • Added some pretty icons
  • Added 5 More Powerups
  • Added a new Medal Milestone
  • Added a new Bonus mechanic: Medals per second are now multiplied by Bonus Multiplier, you can gain additional bonus by clicking.


1 month ago

Download 1.0.3

Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0

  • Reworked how Medals per click are calculated
  • Adjusted medal gain and costs of powerups
  • Added powerups
  • Centered the medal
  • Reworked powerups UI
  • Added champion medal
  • Added Breaking News (Or quotes however you wanna call them)
  • Added the ability to lock the window in place


1 month ago

Download 1.0.2

Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0

  • Stats are now being saved
  • Reworked buttons functionality
  • Added total number of clicks
  • Added setting to reset stats


1 month ago

Download 1.0.1

Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0


  • Drifts now gain the correct value
  • Added a Window Visibility setting


1 month ago

Download 1.0.0

Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0