
A plugin by Laser

Downloads 280
Updated 2 days ago
Released 1 month ago
Created 1 month ago
Numeric ID 601
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania
Game Trackmania Turbo
Click while playing!!!

Cookie clicker-like minigame plugin for trackmania. Enjoy! HOW TO PLAY: To earn medals, click on the medal in the middle (at the beginning there is no medal, those are unlocked based on your Medals Per Second) With medals you can buy Powerups which either increase how many medals you can per click or your passive medal income.


1.1.0 - 2 days ago

  • Powerups are now scrollable (No more wall of text!)
  • Made UI less cluttered
  • Added some pretty icons
  • Added 5 More Powerups
  • Added a new Medal Milestone
  • Added a new Bonus mechanic: Medals per second are now multiplied by Bonus Multiplier, you can gain additional bonus by clicking.

1.0.3 - 1 month ago

  • Reworked how Medals per click are calculated
  • Adjusted medal gain and costs of powerups
  • Added powerups
  • Centered the medal
  • Reworked powerups UI
  • Added champion medal
  • Added Breaking News (Or quotes however you wanna call them)
  • Added the ability to lock the window in place

1.0.2 - 1 month ago

  • Stats are now being saved
  • Reworked buttons functionality
  • Added total number of clicks
  • Added setting to reset stats

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