- Fix const on
and friends - Fix edge case sorting unspawned players with race ranking
- Fix spawn counter and spawn index so spawn indexes are the same for players spawning on the same frame
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
and friendsRequires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
A game restart may be required after updating
MapListUids_Receiver@ MLFeed::Get_MapListUids_Receiver()
bool MapList_Request()
- initiate a request, does nothing & returns false if a request is already in progress. Max 25* UIDs are returned.bool MapList_Request_Larger(int nbMaxUids)
- as above but increases the number of UIDs returned for the next request only.bool MapList_IsInProgress
- is a request in progressconst array<string>@ MapList_Names
- names of maps returned from the MapList request. Limited to 25* for performance reasons. const array<string>@ MapList_MapUids
- map UIDs returned from the MapList request. Limited to 25* for performance reasons, but it's the slice starting immediately after the current map.uint UpdateCount
- incremented whenever data is received from the Maniascript componentuint64 LastRequestStart
- Time::Now when the last request starteduint64 LastRequestEnd
- Time::Now when the last request finisheduint64 MsSinceLastReqStart
- millis since LastRequestStart
uint64 MsSinceLastReqEnd
- millis since LastRequestEnd
int Slice_StartIx
- Start index of the slice of map uids shown.int Slice_EndIx
- End index of the slice of map uids shown; can be greater than Slice_NbMaps
.int Slice_NbMaps
- The complete number of maps in the MapList response.int MapOrigIxInList
- The original index of the map in the UID list when the map loaded. (If you update the current map in the map list later, this is important information to know.)string MapOrigIxInListUid
- The UID of the map for which MapOrigIxInList applies.string[]@ GetUidSlice_Async(int startIx, int endIx)
- Read a slice from MapList_MapUids. Will yield for 1-3 frames in total.PlayerCpInfo_V4@ HookRaceStatsEventsBase_V2::GetPlayer_V4_ByLogin(const string &in login)
int HookRaceStatsEventsBase::get_Rules_MillisSinceStart()
int HookRaceStatsEventsBase::get_Rules_TimeElapsed()
int HookRaceStatsEventsBase::get_Rules_TimeRemaining()
bool HookRaceStatsEventsBase::IsRemainingRulesTimeLessThan(int durationMs)
uint HookRaceStatsEventsBase::PlayersLeft_BatchNumber
string[]@ HookRaceStatsEventsBase::PlayersLeftThisBatch
uint[]@ HookRaceStatsEventsBase::PlayersLeftThisBatch_LoginIdValues
int PlayerCpInfo_V2::get_FinishTime()
MwId PlayerCpInfo_V4::LoginMwId
MwId PlayerCpInfo_V4::NameMwId
const PlayerCpInfo_V4@ HookRaceStatsEventsBase_V4::get_LocalPlayer()
for the local player's login.PlayerCpInfo_V4::FindCSmPlayer()
not being const*: there's an off by 1 error with the number of uids returned, so the max is 1 more than specified.
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
A game restart may be required after updating.
Add to PlayerCpInfo
int2 RaceProgression
: used as <Points, Time> for Royal Time Attackint[] RaceProgressionHistory
: tracks RaceProgression values where Points is the index into this array (max 20 records)bool get_RoyalTA_HasFinished() const
: returns true if RaceProgression.x >= 5
uint SpawnCount
: a counter of the number of times the player has gone from Spawning to SpawnedRequires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
on player.WarmupActive
and .WarmupEndTime
on RaceDataRequires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
add to Player class:
uint[]@ NbRespawnsByCp
a count of respawns by CPuint[]@ RespawnTimes
array of the players respawn timesbool PlayerIsRacing
if the player is spawned and has not finishedbool Eliminated
if the player is not spawned and has not finished (indicates a DNF on teams, KO, etc)Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
Requires at least Openplanet 1.26.0
to account for proper number of laps.IsFinished
getter to player object -- it is just .CpCount == RaceData.CPsToFinish
, .Rules_StartTime
, and .Rules_EndTime
to race data for convenienceRequires at least Openplanet 1.25.32
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.32
Add COTD Qualification data. New properties in RaceData_V4:
// Qualification time known locally
int COTDQ_LocalRaceTime;
// Qualification time according to the API
int COTDQ_APIRaceTime;
// Qualification Rank, updated regularly (3-7s)
int COTDQ_Rank;
// Time you joined the server
int COTDQ_QualificationsJoinTime;
// Stage that qualification is in;
QualificationStage COTDQ_QualificationsProgress;
// true when you load into a server before it has gotten your record from the API
bool COTDQ_IsSynchronizingRecord;
// Incremented each time any COTDQ thing is updated
int COTDQ_UpdateNonce;
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.32
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.32
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.32
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.32
Fix misuse of #elif
preprocessor statement.
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.32
This update improves ghost data with info about currently loaded ghosts.
-- an array of all ghosts loaded this session, sorted fastest to slowest.LoadedGhosts
-- an array of currently loaded ghosts only, sorted fastest to slowest.NbLoadedGhosts
-- the number of ghosts in .LoadedGhosts
-- true initially and changed to false when the ghost is unloadedAdditionally, a setting has been added to allow viewing the demo windows when running outside of developer mode. (Defaults to true in dev mode, and false otherwise.)
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
Expose MM info:
function to calculate player scores and team scores at the end of a round, using current data, given an order that players finish.Add PlayerCpInfo V4:
int RoundPoints
, int Points
, int TeamNum
, bool IsMVP
, uint CurrentLap
, string WebServicesUserId
, string Login
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
to PlayerCpInfo_v3
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
Fix path not returning value.
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
via PlayerCpInfo_V2
-- it's like the Race method but immediately updates to account for time lost to respawnsGhostInfo
Upgrade guide: https://github.com/XertroV/tm-mlfeed-race-data/blob/master/UPGRADE_v0.4.md
Full Docs: https://github.com/XertroV/tm-mlfeed-race-data/blob/master/MLFeed.autodoc.md
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
Added MLFeed::GetPlayersBestTimes(const string &in playerName)
to get the best times set by a player since map load. (It's what the server shows CP splits against)
Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
and .raceRank
) where they would be off by 1 for a short while when a player left.Requires at least Openplanet 1.25.15
to race data. When the player sets a new personal best, this is set to that time. Reset to -1
at the start of each map.