Moving Track Configurator

A plugin by Achioto

Moving Track Configurator
Downloads 47
Updated 2 months ago
Released 3 months ago
Created 3 months ago
Numeric ID 673
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania
Note from the Openplanet team

This plugin requires an external program to function. While we have reviewed code for the plugin itself, we have not reviewed the necessary external program. Please use the external program at your own risk.

The Moving Track Configurator is the ingame plugin part of the Moving Track Generator project which allows for the creation of maps with lots of independant moving items.

Build maps 'like always' and generate variants of movable items afterwards! Create a map using a single moving item model, configure animation properties for each object in a map and generate a new map and different item models for each configured animation.

🔴IMPORTANT❗🔴Note: Every configured Item that is supposed to be animated must already be a moving item!
🔴IMPORTANT❗🔴Note: Unchecked Local Space will lead to massive issues with the resulting collider placements. Only use Global Space for scenery items!


  • Tracking of movable items.
  • Calculating arrival times for each item (when does a player drive over or is closest to an item) from a driven path.
  • In-Editor customization of animation properties.
    • Static animation properties.
    • Randomized animation properties.
    • Arrival-time dependant animation properties.
    • Shared animation properties across different items.
    • Expression based calculation of animation properties

Features of the Moving Track Generator (external program):
MovingTrackGenerator Github

  • Generating variants of movable items containing the provided animation properties.
  • Generating maps replacing items with its configured animated variant.
  • Small preview of map and item layout.

Tutorial Here


0.1.1 - 2 months ago

  • Increased the plugin's stability
  • Added multi selection
  • Added item grouping for sharing animation settings
  • Added experimental toggle for local and global item animation spaces

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