Patch Warner

A plugin by ar(Trusted developer)

Patch Warner
Downloads 398
Updated 9 months ago
Released 11 months ago
Created 11 months ago
Numeric ID 480
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania

Physics Update Checker (& warner)

This script is designed to check for a specific build update that brought with it some physics updates.


The script serves as tool that helps by notifying players of physics changes based on the map's exeBuild. It operates by continuously checking for a new map load and warns the player based on what it finds in the maps XML.


  • Point 1: Automated detection of map's exeBuild version.
  • Point 2: Notifications for ice and wood physics changes based on exeBuild date.
  • Point 2.5: Notifications can also be done with images :yayy:
  • Point 3: File handling and XML parsing for game data extraction.

⚠️ Important Notes

  1. Limitations: The script's functionality is contingent on the map's exeBuild date, if this strucutre changes in the future (or is tampred with), the plugin will default to no physics changes having occured.


How It Works

  • Point 1: On every game loop, the script checks if a map is loaded and fetches the map file details.
  • Point 2: Extracts the exeBuild date from the map's XML data to determine the applicable physics.
  • Point 3: Based on the exeBuild date, the script notifies the player about the relevant physics updates affecting the map, such as ice or wood physics.


  • Authors: ar..... / AR-


0.3.1 - 9 months ago

FIX: Water images now work on old maps FIX: Logs are disabled by default

0.3.0 - 10 months ago


  • Support for the water change ✓


  • Find a way to consistently track wood ✗
  • Remove the flicker on the 'Gen [n]' text ✗
  • Add 'Gen [n]' highlight ✗

0.2.0 - 10 months ago


  • Support for bumper change (with image) ✓ #request
  • New image for the latest ice update ✓
  • Added the ability to spell out 'Gen [n]' more closely following how the ice community refers to the updates ✓ #request
    • Toggleable and movable ✓
  • Individual selectors for all the warnings ✓
  • Fixed spammy print statement


  • Find a way to consistently track wood ✗
  • Remove the flicker on the 'Gen [n]' text ✗
  • Add 'Gen [n]' highlight ✗

Any suggestions or requests? DM me on discord @ar___ or create a GH issue.

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