PB Grapher

A plugin by sergeant-bigbird

PB Grapher
Downloads 1,777
Updated 2 years ago
Released 2 years ago
Created 2 years ago
Numeric ID 284
Game Trackmania

Shows a graphical display of your times, along with optional medal targets.

The main scatter view shows you your past runs, so you can visually track your progress over time.

The histogram view is accessible by going to Plugins -> PB Grapher -> Switch to/from histogram.

By default, histogram statistics only show on mouse hover. This is configurable in the settings.

You can click and drag the window to move it around.

This is in beta. Please let me know if you experience any issues or have any feature requests.

If you're looking for a more complete analysis toolkit, check out https://openplanet.dev/plugin/tmdojo.

Known bugs:

  • When the window is on the bottom half of the screen, the mouse-hover histogram statistics behavior can break.
  • On slower systems, you may experience a lag spike on run completion (with HDDs in particular)

Plugins referenced in creating this: https://openplanet.dev/plugin/bestcheckpoints https://openplanet.dev/plugin/ultimatemedals

Discord: sergeant-bigbird#5050


0.2.1 - 2 years ago

Hotfix - fixed issue with fresh installs.

0.2.0 - 2 years ago

This version migrates the database to a new location (PluginStorage) folder! (like it should have always been 🙃) If you play via multiple launchers, the first database you fire up the game with will be the one copied to the new location.

Merging between multiple installs isn't supported - if this is an issue for you, please DM me on Discord and I'll work something out.

Other new features:

  • The viewport will now follow custom time targets by default, both above and below (configurable in settings)
  • Added an option to "override" the viewport logic and just apply a flat seconds delta to it

If you run into any issues, please let me know.

0.1.1 - 2 years ago


  • Added option to only render interface when Openplanet (F3) menu is open.
  • Added more convenient buttons to hide/show parts of the interface.


  • Made scatter window view bounds auto-adjust after you finish a run. (This can be disabled in settings)
  • Fixed histogram statistics text to show how many runs in each bucket you got.

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