Trackmania Bingo

A plugin by TheGeekid(Trusted developer)

Trackmania Bingo
Downloads 99,326
Updated 14 days ago
Released 2 years ago
Created 2 years ago
Numeric ID 271
Min. Openplanet 1.27.5
Game Trackmania

Trackmania Bingo Plugin

This plugin features a custom gamemode where two teams battle against each other to claim as many cells as possible on a grid in order to try and complete a row, column or diagonal!

Each cell on this board corresponds to a track that players can claim for their team by achieving a specific medal on that track. Once a track has been claimed, in order to reclaim it, other teams must beat the time that was set on that track. Try to play strategically to be the first team to achieve a bingo!

The gamemode is receiving regular updates, you can check out the source code on GitHub:


I need your help to improve the plugin! If you encountered a bug or want to suggest a feature, please post it on the issue tracker. You should hear back from me soon after!

Join the commnuity

Trackmania Bingo has a new Discord server to find people to play with and to follow the plugin's development! Join us in our Discord server!


5.2 - 14 days ago

This update focuses on some lobby improvements, most notably the new Teams Editor: this new tool allows you to name and create custom teams for your Bingo lobbies instead of the default ones.

Additionally, the room host can now drag and drop players between teams to rearrange players how they like before the game starts. This should make it much easier to coordinate public games, or it may allow you to help that friend who doesn't understand how the UI works.

For specific competitive scenarios, a new room option has also been added that disallows players to switch their own team, while only the room host can assign players to their teams.

When new players join a game that has either the "Randomize Teams" or the new "Host Controls Setup" options enabled, they will no longer be able to choose their team and instead be assigned to the least populated team.

Tiles on the miniature Bingo board can now be double-clicked to open the map instead of a single click, making it easier to drag the Bingo board around the screen without accidentally opening any map.

Due to some demand, it is now also possible to start Bingo games with only 1 player. However, match statistics will not be saved in that case.

Bug fixes in this update:

  • Fixed win conditions not being checked immediately when the grace period ends
  • Fixed alignment issues on map leaderboards
  • Removed team controls for players who are not the host in a lobby
  • Fixed no time limit "∞" not being displayed correctly

5.1 - 2 months ago

With this update, a new "Late Join" setting has been added to Bingo games. When this is enabled, new players can join even after a game has been started. New players can choose which team they want to join, and hop in the game instantly!

Keybind settings have also been added. You can now rebind the following keys in the plugin settings:

  • Open Chat (default: Enter)
  • Toggle Map List (default: Tab)

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Fixed a crash when too many chat messages were sent.
  • Fixed mappack loading from TMX by porting it to the new API. This may lead to longer load times for large mappacks because of pagination.
  • Partially fix loading of multiple maps at the same time.
  • Various UI fixes and tweaks.

5.0 - 3 months ago

  • Text chat has arrived: you can send messages to other players like on a server! Private team chats will follow up in a later update.
  • Open maps by clicking on the miniature board without having to open the map list. A handy shortcut!
  • The daily challenge has been removed due to low activity. New gamemodes may be considered in the future.
  • Revamped map rerolls: everyone gets to vote when a map reroll is proposed, the vote passes if a majority of players say "Yes".
  • Various fixes and compatibility ports for game updates.

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