Unintrusive Multilap Info

A plugin by hlgssn

Unintrusive Multilap Info
Downloads 109
Updated 2 months ago
Released 2 months ago
Created 2 months ago
Numeric ID 588
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania
See Best and Average lap times.

Unintrusive Multilap Info

Dependent on both MLHook and MLFeed: Race Data -- you must install both of these plugins for Unintrusive Multilap Info to work.

Shows race (multilap) stats in a more "Nadeo" way to not clutter the screen. Currently capable for showing Best Lap Time as well as Average lap time (both resets on restart). They can be toggled on and off. Suitable especially for being a part of (or spectating) longer multilap races.

Only shows on maps with more than 1 lap.

License: Public Domain

Author: TigerHelos (@TigerHelos in Openplanet discord server)

Good luck and have fun (golf).