- Add support for custom flac bonk sounds
- Bugfix: added guardrail check if MLFeed is installed but toggled off
Downloads | 15,600 |
Updated | 1 year ago |
Released | 2 years ago |
Created | 2 years ago |
Numeric ID | 314 |
Min. Openplanet | 1.26.0 |
It plays a bonk sound effect when you bonk into something. I'm not sure what else to put here. Tested in TM2020, Turbo, and TM2.
bonk sound from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXK427oXjn8
New! Custom bonk sound support! Simply put an audio file at OpenplanetNext/PluginStorage/bonk/custombonk.{mp3|flac|wav}
and it will use that instead! (requires plugin reload)
and it will use that instead! (requires plugin reload)