
MisfitMaid (Trusted developer)


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Sponsor MisfitMaid

Map Info

By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer) and XertroV(Trusted developer)

Get info and handy links for the map you're playing

Ticker - Campaign/TotD records, CotD countdown, FPS, and more!

By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer)

Show the latest campaign and TOTD records at the bottom of your screen, along with other helpful information

Diegetic Information Display (DID)

By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer)

Shows time, speed, lap count, and other essentials next to your car

Static Loading Screen (Custom loading screen support)

By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer)

A performance-friendly loading screen using your own images

Set Stadium Signage

By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer)

Automatically replace stadium/club signage with your own


By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer)

Open Map.Gbx files via double-clicks in Explorer.

Ticker Arbitrary Text

By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer)

Inject arbitrary text into the Ticker addon display