ManiaExchange Random Map Picker

A plugin by Greep(Trusted developer)

ManiaExchange Random Map Picker
Downloads 291,553
Updated 3 months ago
Released 3 years ago
Created 3 years ago
Numeric ID 124
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania
Game Maniaplanet 4

Important: Note for RMT: if map skip does not work on RMT, it's Nadeo fault. Try vote skipping to next map, it should work correctly.

ManiaExchange Randomizer

Takes randomly a map from TMX and plays it

Mandatory plugin for Random Map Challenge

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2.0.0 and up

Check the "All versions" page


  • Revert skipSavedTime (fixes timer ends on skip button #44)


  • Time below 2min in RMS will not reset to 2min after skip (#39)
  • Better map filtering by its query (#41)
  • Better handle of API errors, will not spam errors now
  • Updated logging with the new Openplanet update


  • Remove skip notification on first map if show skip is disabled (#33)
  • Remove skip button if goal time got (#34)
  • Remove the "open the overlay" text when got a goal medal with the auto skip disabled


  • Added a setting to enable or disable the announcements API
  • Fix a bug that the map switches after clicking stop RMC


  • Fix wrong rule


  • Timer now does not start before the 3,2,1 countdown on the first map (was set on TM2 and fixed on 2020)


  • New Random Map Challenge and Random Map Survival rules, check this video for more informations
  • Add a Announcements, Changelog and RMC Rules Interface (#28)
  • Removing Arena Maps from searching (#29)
    • Add length operator in searching settings
  • Disable play/pause button when you're not in a map
    • Hide RMC Mode setting, now the mode can be set in the RMC window
  • Logging details during RMC
    • Fixing bugs in UI
  • Add Dev Mode (contribute!)
    • Minor bugs fix


  • Fix medal names being numbers
    • Space more medals counters
  • Check if the map is correct while the timer runs (timer is in pause if the map does not match the first map in recent list)
    • Using Ghosts to get the correct time (#20)
  • Prevent loading CharacterPilot maps on RMC (#24)
    • Remove AT >5min text on survival free skip text
  • Fixed crash by adding a condition on UISequence (#23)
    • Add survival total time
  • Add icons on buttons
    • And a lot of minor changes


  • Add delta time removal on get medals on Next
    • Replace Digital-7 Regular to Digital-7 Monospace (#10)
  • Gold medal notification appears now only on Challenge mode
    • Pause timer when skipping the map and adding a pause timer button (#14)
  • Fixed typo and color in notifications
    • Change font and size on medals counters to be more clear
  • Remove timer end sound
    • Fixed performance loss causing by currently played map on timer UI (#18)
  • Add medal setting for beginners (#17)


  • Fixed a lot of bugs on the timer on 2020 (thanks bmx22c for helping me doing it while I haven't the game on my laptop lol)
    • If you still got bugs etc... Please report a issue on GitHub


  • Added the RMC timer and automatic medals counter. When you got gold, you can skip and add a gold on the counter. When you got AT, it skips automatically (setting enabled by default). Read this blog post for more
    • Added Random Map Survival timer (15min timer, +3 if AT, -2 if skip) If you've installed the "temporary" timer, you can now disable it to avoid problems
  • Thanks for the 2000 downloads!!


  • Fixed loading Royal maps but it's unsupported. Now it will load only normal race maps (sorry streamers for that problem that causes crashes)
    • Added Minimal window mode, it keeps only the button
  • Added width setting on the window
    • We have now 700 downloads!!


  • Fixed TM2020 UI first letter missing on length and style
    • Removed konami code becauses it causes a lot of problems


  • Added map style and map Awards from TMX API to the Recently played maps list
    • ⚠️ Recently played maps JSON will be reseted, (to add the new style and awards data) be careful!!
  • Awards count will not be automatically updated, the count is taken from when you add the map to the list!


  • Added selected map style and length to the UI (TM2020 has a bug that the first letter is missing, it will be updated later)
    • Add play specific map with its ID
  • Fix bug that TM2020 does not had a play button on recent list
    • Updated search method! Now all parameters (including style and length) will be on the server side
  • Add a secret easy konami code to start searching without opening UI :eyes:


  • Add a menu, you can now search a map and list recents maps played from here


2.4.1 - 3 months ago

  • Change default RMC_MX_Url to XertroV's endpoint for TMNEXT.
    • Much faster random API for TMX maps, and fixes TMX's broken randomization.
    • All TMX maps are cached and standard RMC map filtering applies.

Full Changelog:

2.4.0 - 6 months ago

  • Added new World Record goal, because Author medals are so overrated (commissioned by Wirtual)

2.3.10 - 8 months ago

  • fix typo offical -> official (#118)
  • Updated NadeoServices to the Meet API

View all changelogs