Random Altered Campaign Challenge

A plugin by ArEyeses(Trusted developer)

Random Altered Campaign Challenge
Downloads 296
Updated 4 days ago
Released 18 days ago
Created 19 days ago
Numeric ID 656
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania

In Random Altered Campaign Challenge, you play through all 25 campaign maps, with each map selected randomly from an Altered campaign from Altered Nadeo club.


  • The Altered campaign is selected by spinning a randomiser 'wheel' in the plugin, and loaded automatically.
  • When you beat AT you then move on to the next number. In order to win you need to beat AT on all 25 maps.
  • You can reroll a map for free after you get Gold or World Record (at time of opening map). This doesn't increase the map number, but allows you to reroll the alteration.
  • Since there are many hard maps, you can also reroll any map at the cost of having to get 2 ATs before moving on to the next number. This is represented in the plugin as +1 [Lock], where [Lock]s block you from moving on to the next map number; getting AT will instead to remove one and then reroll a new map on the same number.
  • [v1.0.2] Note that using [Lock] reroll within the first minute will set your time to 1 minute. This removes the time incentive of skipping immediately on 'bad' maps, you have time to try it first.
  • Maps broken by patches, or named (unvalidated), may be free rerolled.
  • There is no length limit, so you must play long, stunt, platform, dragonyeet, earthquake, blocked mapper, etc. maps (or [Lock] reroll them).
  • World record watching is only allowed after 15 minutes on the map.
  • Plugins like Unclaimed Checkpoints Indicator are allowed, and recommended for alterations like CPfull.


  • Only current season or all alt campaigns
  • Target medal (rather than AT and Gold reroll)
  • Spin volume

This is inspired by an Altered campaign picker wheel used by Maji, and made into a challenge by Lars.

There is no formal leaderboard but I will make an informal leaderboard (preferrably streamed/recorded attempts). This will be sorted by fastest time, with gold + WR rerolls being tiebreaker.

known issues:

  • if you press dnf at the same time you finish the plugin can miss your finish time
  • chinese characters aren't displayed properly
  • royal maps are currently not supported


1.1 - 4 days ago

  • rerolling the same map will reopen it (to make sure it won't see the finish screen of the previous run)
  • lock skip is now disabled once you can medal skip
  • fixed 'reopen map' button clearing map pb (for medal skips)
  • activities are no longer reloaded if you start multiple runs quickly
  • lock skip total is now tracked
  • added map history tab of finished and quit runs, each map shows time, exit method and a button to open it

1.0.2 - 17 days ago

  • renamed AT count setting
  • fixed a bug where maps with higher number than then number of maps in a Campaign would incorrectly be missing
  • map reroll button is no longer usable after finishing map 25
  • fix free reroll (gold reroll equivalent for 'finish' target medal)
  • added a time penalty if you reroll within 1 minute to encourage looking at harder maps without instant skipping

1.0.1 - 18 days ago

  • training - 21 & 24 maps will now be selected for both 21 and 24 (and similar)
  • fixed a bug where lag can cause the wrong campaign can display in the 'wheel end' view.
  • fixed WR skip on maps with no records (this should allow you to WR skip after any completed run)
  • minor change to getting map game version to be less likely to crash

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