Rebind Master+

A plugin by XertroV(Trusted developer)

Rebind Master+
Downloads 979
Updated 1 year ago
Released 3 years ago
Created 3 years ago
Numeric ID 216
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania

Rebind Master+

Update notice: If you are updating to v1.0.3 then you might notice that the Bindings menu disappears. To fix this, press Ctrl + Shift + R or click on Developer > Restart script engine. You could also restart Trackmania. Either way, the Bindings menu should come back after one of those actions.


With your purchase of the FREE Rebind Master+ you can rest safe knowing that these industry guarantees safeguard your invenstment in your new Rebind Master+, a plugin that will surely service your every binding, unbinding, and rebinding need, regardless of when, where, or why you have that particular need.

Rebind Master+ Nadeo
Ctrl+U unbind shortcut
Smooth and non-stuttery
Safe during the heat of battle
Stylishly minimal
Easy, convenient access
Chance of breaking your game if you have a binding dialog open at the wrong time < 5%* 100%
Supported by Ubisoft
Supports Keyboard, GamePad, and Mouse
Is functional
Written during an afternoon

*: Estimate. it's hard/unreliable to trigger even if you know how.

Note: the menu is disabled when it's unsafe to rebind. If you can click it, it's safe (AFAIK).

Ofc, no guarantees. If you've got an important match, it's better to like plan and stuff. You know, have a checklist or something. (IDK i'm from bonk div.) But the Rebind Master+ is here if you need it.

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GitHub Repo:

License: The Unlicense (Public Domain)



1.0.7 - 1 year ago

  • Enable in the editor

1.0.6 - 2 years ago

  • Add support for UI scaling
  • Remove |Input| prefix on action/binding names

1.0.5 - 2 years ago

Improve load times by removing usage of custom fonts.

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