Streamer Map Ping

A plugin by ArEyeses(Trusted developer)

Streamer Map Ping
Downloads 138
Updated 19 days ago
Released 5 months ago
Created 5 months ago
Numeric ID 643
Min. Openplanet 1.26.0
Game Trackmania

The purpose of this plugin, in conjunction with my server, is to ping people when streamers play their maps so they can join the stream and watch / chat / backseat.

If you are not a streamer this plugin is not useful to you

If you are a chatter and want to get pinged when streamers using this plugin play your maps, join my discord at

Valid streamers for the plugin are added manually; I've added most of the larger streamers already, but after installing the plugin check if the notification is an authentication error; you may need to ping me (@ArEyeses) on discord and I can add you. Note that the default viewer count for people to be pinged is 20 (to stop the plugin being used as self-promotion), so for small streamers not every mapper will get pinged.

Performance impact

  • This plugin does very little, it checks if the map has changed and only then sends a request to my server.

Disabling the plugin

  • My server should only send pings to discord if you are live (but idk if this is 100% consistent)
  • You can also see the status of and disable the plugin from the top Openplanet bar


  • My server is sent information such as the map name and uid, map author name and login (id), your name and login (id).
  • A notification is shown on start up to remind you that the plugin is active.
  • Stored information:
    • Your login id (required for authentication along with a session token)
    • The most recent map you played (while live), and when you played it. (This is to prevent duplicate pings if you reopen the same map)
    • some logs are kept, for debugging purposes
  • If you opt-in to additional tracking, the maps you play (along with which streamer you are) may be saved, shared, and/or used for data analysis; e.g. statistics on rmc runs.


1.2.4 - 19 days ago

  • Fixed an issue with sending maps to the server
  • Will now retry Openplanet connection once (since its not that stable rn)

1.2.3 - 27 days ago

  • notifications are colored green/red for success/fail
  • added a setting to hide connected notification
  • detect maps in editor (but ignore new/unsaved maps)
  • maniaplanet formatting is now removed from usernames
  • send message my server if Openplanet connection fails <:xdd:942808147960168488>
  • changed my server api path (will support both for now)

1.2.1 - 4 months ago

  • The no connection notification will only show the first time rather than repeating every 10 minutes. (But added a setting to repeat it if that's something you want)

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