- fixed crash that could occur when the plugin was called before its initialization
Downloads | 5,020 |
Updated | 1 year ago |
Released | 4 years ago |
Created | 4 years ago |
Numeric ID | 76 |
Min. Openplanet | 1.26.0 |
This plugin fixes the in-game UI of Trackmania 2020 for aspect ratios wider than 16:9 by moving the UI elements back to the edge of the screen. Elements that appear while not driving are not the focus of this plugin, but MRs for them are certainly welcome. A fix for the animated main screen is provided by the Menu Background Chooser plugin by XertroV.
)Ultrawide UI Fix
in the Plugin ManagerThe source code of this plugin is available on GitLab under the MIT license.
If you run into any bugs or issues, report them in the issue tracker.
If you're writing a plugin of your own and want to support ultrawide aspect ratios, you can retrieve the current UI shift value (the amount of units the UI element should be moved/expanded by) as a float
from this plugin:
# info.toml
version = '1.0.0'
optional_dependencies = ['UltrawideUIFix']
// main.as
void Render() {
UI::Text('Not ultrawide');