
NadeoServices plugin dependency

The NadeoServices plugin provides an easy interface into Trackmania's online services authentication.

NadeoServices outside of Openplanet

If you're looking to access the NadeoServices outside of Openplanet, we have a complete unofficial documentation here, that contains information about authenticating with Nadeo's API externally.

Why use NadeoServices?

It is important to depend on the NadeoServices plugin if you intend to communicate with Nadeo's API in plugins! This is because authentication tokens aren't easy to reliably get in scripts, and multiple plugins trying to access the same token can cause the game to start behaving bad. The NadeoServices plugin takes care of cleanly accessing authentication tokens from the game and creating HTTP requests plugins.


Nadeo's API has several types of tokens with different audiences. The following audiences exist:

  • NadeoLiveServices - Live and Meet API
  • NadeoServices - Core API

Getting started

To get started with the NadeoServices plugin, add a dependency to it in your info.toml:

dependencies = [ "NadeoServices" ]


The API consists out of the following functions:


Tells the NadeoServices plugin that you'd like to use a specific audience.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to use.


Checks if the given audience is authenticated. You can only start making requests once the audience has been authenticated.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to check.

Returns: bool


Gets the current user's account ID.

Returns: string


Returns the base URL for the core API. (Requires the NadeoServices audience)

Returns: string


Returns the base URL for the live API. (Requires the NadeoLiveServices audience)

Returns: string


Returns the base URL for the meet API. (Requires the NadeoLiveServices audience)

Returns: string


Create an HTTP request object with the correct authentication header for the audience already filled in. Throws an exception if the audience is not authenticated yet.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to use.

Returns: Net::HttpRequest@


Creates a GET HTTP request with the correct authentication header for the audience already filled in. Throws an exception if the audience is not authenticated yet.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to use.
  • const string &in url = "" The complete URL to request.

Returns: Net::HttpRequest@


Creates a POST HTTP request with the correct authentication header for the audience already filled in. Throws an exception if the audience is not authenticated yet.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to use.
  • const string &in url = "" The complete URL to request.
  • const string &in body = "" The body of the POST request.
  • const string &in contentType = "application/json" The content type header to send.

Returns: Net::HttpRequest@


Creates a PUT HTTP request with the correct authentication header for the audience already filled in. Throws an exception if the audience is not authenticated yet.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to use.
  • const string &in url = "" The complete URL to request.
  • const string &in body = "" The body of the POST request.
  • const string &in contentType = "application/json" The content type header to send.

Returns: Net::HttpRequest@


Creates a DELETE HTTP request with the correct authentication header for the audience already filled in. Throws an exception if the audience is not authenticated yet.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to use.
  • const string &in url = "" The complete URL to request.

Returns: Net::HttpRequest@


Creates a PATCH HTTP request with the correct authentication header for the audience already filled in. Throws an exception if the audience is not authenticated yet.


  • const string &in audience The audience you want to use.
  • const string &in url = "" The complete URL to request.
  • const string &in body = "" The body of the POST request.
  • const string &in contentType = "application/json" The content type header to send.

Returns: Net::HttpRequest@


Gets a display name from an account ID. Must be called from a yieldable function. Does not require any audience. If you want to fetch multiple display names, use NadeoServices::GetDisplayNamesAsync instead, as it will be much more efficient.


  • const string &in accountId The account ID to get the display name for.

Returns: string


Gets multiple display names (as string) from their account IDs. Must be called from a yieldable function. Does not require any audience. If you want to fetch only a single display name you can also use GetDisplayNameAsync.


  • const array<string> &in accountIds The account IDs to get display names for.

Returns: dictionary

Page updated 8 months ago by Miss(Trusted developer)