
XertroV (Trusted developer)

Github profile
Game: next XertroV
Game: v4 xertrov

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Camera Randomizer

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

It randomizes the player camera every X seconds.

Refresh Local Scripts

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Small developer utility (for ManiaScript devs) to reload local scripts that you modify while the game is open.

MLHook: Manialink Hook & Event Inspector

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Facilitates cross-communication between Manialink code and Angelscript code. Allows creating and reacting to ML Events, sending Custom Events. Includes a demo and ML Event Inspector.

Rejoin Last Server

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Provides a clickable button on the main menu to rejoin the last server you were connected to (including COTD and Ranked). Useful if TM crashes, or you quit out but want to rejoin.

Dink Donk! Round Notifier

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Will notify you when a new round is about to start and your game isn't focused (or if chat has focus).

Plugin Hotkeys

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Toggle, enable, and disable plugins or groups of plugins with customizable hotkeys.

Shadowless Chrono

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Disables the chrono's shadow

No BlockHelper Background

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Removes the background behind the 'turbo', 'engine off', 'reset', etc, messages.

Rescale Pause Menu

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Rescales the pause menu for ppl who sit too close to their screens.