
XertroV (Trusted developer)

Github profile
Game: next XertroV
Game: v4 xertrov

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Set Everyone VIP

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Sets everyone in a club to be a VIP so you can scroll through records in the club view on maps.

Club Tag Quick-Changer

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Provides a menu under `Plugins` to quickly set your club tag to any of your current clubs' tags.

Edit Any Item

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Allows you to edit any item. Can crash the game if you try and edit the wrong things (like vehicles in mp4)

Hide Spectators Count

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Hides the spectators count in TM2

Skins Inspector

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Shows info about current players' skins, and logging + csv export.

Auto-hide Opponents

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Auto-hides opponents during KO rounds (and shows them after you finish). Also works for TA and MM.

Show Editor Inputs

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Shows key presses and mouse presses during editor mode.

Chat Logger

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Logs all chat messages to its PluginStorage folder.

4 GB Cache

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Increases cache size to 4 GB (well, 3700 MB actually, but close enough)