


Date and time.

Information about a specific timestamp, simplified into its common components.

Property Time::Now

Gets the time (in milliseconds) since the game started.

Returns uint64
Property Time::Stamp

Gets the current machine timestamp in seconds. Also commonly referred to as epoch time.

Returns int64

Format a time into the given format as specified by strftime in the local time.

Returns string

Format a time into the given format as specified by strftime in UTC.

Returns string

Format a game time (in milliseconds) to its race time representation. For example, 61234 will be "1:01.234".

Returns string

Format a game time (in milliseconds) to its race time representation. For example, 61234 will be "1:01.234".

Returns string

Parses a relative game time from its race time representation.

Returns uint64

Parses a time into a structure containing individial time components in the local time.

Returns Time::Info

Parses a time into a structure containing individial time components in UTC.

Returns Time::Info