


The string class used in Openplanet as well as the game.


Operator obj > x, obj < x, etc.
Returns int
Operator obj[x]
Returns uint8
Operator obj[x]
Returns uint8
Operator obj = x
Returns string
Operator obj += x
Returns string
Operator obj + x
Returns string
Operator obj + x
Returns string
Operator obj + x
Returns string
Operator x + obj
Returns string
Operator obj + x
Returns string
Operator x + obj
Returns string
Operator obj + x
Returns string
Operator x + obj
Returns string
Operator obj + x
Returns string
Operator x + obj
Returns string
Operator wstring x = obj
Returns wstring

Returns true if the string starts with the given substring.

Returns bool

Returns true if the string ends with the given substring.

Returns bool

Returns true if the string contains the given substring.

Returns bool

Searches the string for the given substring and returns the index at which it starts. When it is not found, returns -1.

Returns int

Same as IndexOf, but case insensitive.

Returns int
Property obj.Length

The length of the string in bytes.

Returns int

Returns a string from this string with whitespace at the start and end of the string removed. Whitespace includes spaces, tabs, newlines, vertical tabs, feeds, and carriage returns.

Returns string

Returns a string from this string with all characters in lowercase.

Returns string

Returns a string from this string with all characters in uppercase.

Returns string

Returns the remainder of the string after the given index. For example; for the string "Hello", SubStr(1) returns "ello".

Returns string

Returns a portion of the string from the index and length. For example; for the string "Hello", SubStr(1, 3) returns "ell".

Returns string

Returns the string with all the given search substrings replaced with the given replacement string.

Returns string

Splits the string on the given substring and returns an array with all the individual parts.

Returns string[]@