


double UI::Plot::PlotHistogram2D(const string&in label_id, const float[]@ xs, const float[]@ ys, int x_bins = UI::Plot::Bin::Sturges, int y_bins = UI::Plot::Bin::Sturges, const vec2&in range_min = vec2 ( ), const vec2&in range_max = vec2 ( ), int flags = UI::Plot::HistogramFlags::None)

Plots two dimensional, bivariate histogram as a heatmap. The largest bin count or density is returned.

string label_id

const float[]@ xs

const float[]@ ys

int x_bins

Can be a positive integer or a UI::Plot::Bin method.

int y_bins

Can be a positive integer or a UI::Plot::Bin method.

vec2 range_min

If left unspecified, the min of xs and ys will be used as the ranges. Otherwise, outlier values outside of range are not binned.

vec2 range_max

If left unspecified, the max of xs and ys will be used as the ranges. Otherwise, outlier values outside of range are not binned.

int flags

Returns double