


Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFunc@ func)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func()'.

Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFuncUserdata@ func, ref userdata)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function which also provides a userdata handle parameter. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func(ref@)'.

CoroutineFuncUserdata@ func

ref userdata

Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFuncUserdataInt64@ func, const int userdata)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function which also provides a userdata signed integer. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func(int64)'.

CoroutineFuncUserdataInt64@ func

int userdata

Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFuncUserdataInt64@ func, const int64 userdata)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function which also provides a userdata signed integer. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func(int64)'.

CoroutineFuncUserdataInt64@ func

int64 userdata

Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFuncUserdataUint64@ func, const uint userdata)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function which also provides a userdata unsigned integer. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func(uint64)'.

CoroutineFuncUserdataUint64@ func

uint userdata

Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFuncUserdataUint64@ func, const uint64 userdata)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function which also provides a userdata unsigned integer. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func(uint64)'.

CoroutineFuncUserdataUint64@ func

uint64 userdata

Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFuncUserdataDouble@ func, const double userdata)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function which also provides a userdata floating point number. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func(double)'.

CoroutineFuncUserdataDouble@ func

double userdata

Meta::PluginCoroutine@ startnew(CoroutineFuncUserdataString@ func, const string&in userdata)

Starts a new yieldable coroutine from the given function which also provides a userdata string. Function should be a declaration of 'void Func(const string &in)'.