
Tutorial: Watching Ghosts

When you download ghosts from, you only get a *.Ghost.Gbx file, which you cannot watch or make a video of right away.

If you already use Openplanet, you can make use of skybaxrider's plugin, which you can use to make a replay file of the ghost file:

  1. Open the track on which the ghost was driven (e.g. in solo play).
  2. Copy the download link from Right-click onto the "Ghost" button next to a record and click "Copy link address".
  3. Open the plugin (Plugins in the top bar -> Ghost to Replay) and paste the link into the text box for the ghost URL.
  4. Click on the Create Replay button.
  5. The plugin will show you the path where the replay was saved to, navigate to this folder with the replay editor and select the replay to watch or edit it afterwards.

If you do not use Openplanet, you can create a replay manually:

  1. Open the track on which the ghost was driven (e.g. in solo play).
  2. Save a replay (you can just drive a few seconds and then manually save the replay, the default key is R).
  3. Open the replay in the replay editor.
  4. Import the ghost; you can find the button to import ghosts in the bottom strip of tools in the editor (see the screenshot below).
  5. Now you can watch or edit the replay with the downloaded ghost.

Page updated 3 months ago by tooInfinite(Trusted developer)