By Mebe12
Plugin adds basic features from TM2 such as key bindings for Cam 1, 2, 3, customization swapable cameras, Cam 7 free-cam and access to helico camera.
Sends notifications to Altered Nadeo's Discord whenever a new WR is set
Static Loading Screen (Custom loading screen support)
By MisfitMaid
A performance-friendly loading screen using your own images
By jeFFeSS
Relive the excitement of seeing a notification that there's a new plugin update!
By JailMan
This openplanet plugin shows your car's stunts as text on the screen just like TMUF!
By Miss
Bleep bloop and flash the game window when the editor finishes computing shadows.
By XertroV
Sets everyone in a club to be a VIP so you can scroll through records in the club view on maps.