Recently updated plugins

Platform Titlepack

By ArkadySK

The first titlepack plugin in TM2020. Contains platform mode with campaign, menus, musics, ...

Servers List

By racacax

Access servers list and join them wherever you are in the game.

Better Hotseat

By Trackmaniac420

This plugin aims to improve the Hotseat mode by showing all ghosts, keeping local records and allowing for custom names.

Altered Campaign Helper

By ArEyeses

Highlights blocks that need to be changed in altered campaigns

TTG | Tic Tac GO!

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Multiplayer game up to 64 players. Server mode, multiple game modes, auto-rejoin, chat, etc.

COTD Stats

By chips

Shows your division stats as you play COTD qualifying

HUD Aspect Ratio Fixer

By headassbtw

Manually sets the aspect ratio of MP4's HUD, particularly useful on non-16:9 displays

Default Movement

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Shows movement speed and direction when dead-turtled

Patch Warner

By ar.....

Warns you if the map you are currently on has had some physics changes, (curr: Ice1, Ice2, Ice3, Wood, Bumper, Water)

Champion Medals

By NaNInf

Add a fifth medal to TM2020.


By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Tells you how many trophy points you should expect to get