Newest plugins

Exit Map

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Small QOL plugin for returning to the main menu

Platform Titlepack

By ArkadySK

The first titlepack plugin in TM2020. Contains platform mode with campaign, menus, musics, ...

Modless Skids

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Replace default skids with custom ones -- compatible with mods


By DodgeTheDuck

Leaderboards and score system for various map styles


By kamilhajduk

Benchmark Plugin is a tool to measure frames per second statistics during gameplay.

HD's Bounty

By dwhitacre

Companion plugin for Kentucky Trackmania bounty challenges.

AK Hints (action keys)

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Provides a hint as to which Action Key is active.

RL Quick Chats

By jtemme8

This is Rocket League! Quick Chats.


By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Stutterless pausing. Saves ghosts to vs. them later. Load ghosts of players. Ultimate control.

Map Manager

By JustSmile1234

Managing your maps in which you ever played.

Match Dumper

By matp93

Plugin to dump match times into a CSV file