Popular plugins

Dossard/Race Ranking

By Blackfeather

Adds a simple overlay element to show the number under the trigram on the back of your car. Useful for Camera 3 players who cannot see the back of their car :)

Lightmap Priority Manager

By bmx22c(Trusted developer)

Helps settings different lightmap priorities on items or blocks, aiming to have better control over the generated lightmap.

Static Loading Screen (Custom loading screen support)

By MisfitMaid(Trusted developer)

A performance-friendly loading screen using your own images


By DennisWillers

Finally you have the possibility to vote tracks! As you may know it from TMN, you can give ratings from --- to +++ via chat or via the plugin. You will also see how many players have voted for the map in total. In addition, the average rati...

NanoVG Examples

By dassschaf

Several simple examples demonstrating how to use the NanoVG API for drawing stuff onto the screen.


By Beu(Trusted developer)

Small plugin to move the countdown

Campaign Points Calculator

By zjhanken

Simple map points calculator so you don't have to wait for servers to update

Favourite Servers

By Xandaros

Mark servers as favourites and gain easy access to them from the main menu

Favorite Servers

By Zai(Trusted developer)

A basic yet useful feature, quickly join a server without searching for it!

Shadowless Chrono

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Disables the chrono's shadow