Popular plugins


By Helzinka

Simple plugin to challenge yourself. Try to beat author time or a specific goal time under the minimum respawns !

Dink Donk! Round Notifier

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Will notify you when a new round is about to start and your game isn't focused (or if chat has focus).

HUD Aspect Ratio Fixer

By headassbtw

Manually sets the aspect ratio of MP4's HUD, particularly useful on non-16:9 displays

Freecam Targeter

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Target ghosts or players in cam7. Includes multiple follow modes.


By silhiaK


Rescale Pause Menu

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Rescales the pause menu for ppl who sit too close to their screens.

Horn Disable

By FG418

Disable horns automatically when joining server. Horns can be re-enabled using shortcut key.

Hide Letterboxing

By chips(Trusted developer)

Hide Letterboxing (black bars during replay/ghost)

Shootmania Obstacle Physics Display

By Miltant

Display on screen and record physics variables thanks to an easy but flexible system of placeholders.

Discord Rivalry Ping

By Lokulicious and FabianvZ

Sends a message to Discord if you pass people on the club leaderboards.

Mod Disabler

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Prevents map texture mods from loading